1st Cheeseburger & Hip Hop Festival – The expectations

Remember when Biggie used to eat sardines for dinner? Well, twenty-odd years later the food of choice for young, broke and aspiring rappers is the omnipresent burger.

But only few other dishes have gone through such a drastic makeover as the burger in recent years. It has gone from ashy to classy. The offering ranges from your soggy burger at a fast food chain at 4am to gourmet burgers wrapped in gold with truffles and unicorn tears. And with burger joints popping up in any corner the competition has become so fierce that even Ronald McDonald decided to call it a day and try his luck terrorizing kids in a small village – apparently very successful according to the box office stats.

On my quest to discover what makes a good burger a great burger I will attend the 1st Cheeseburgers & Hip Hop Festival this Saturday (16th of September) in Zurich. During Food Zurich this will be one of the main attractions in town. A block party with roots in Berlin that will attract foreign and Swiss chefs in a battle for the crown: Best cheeseburger in town.

The mix of hip hop (hopefully some old school) and burgers sounds quite promising and like you can’t go wrong, can you? Well, I guess I will find out very soon and let you know.

To end with another quote from an iconic band:

Stakes is high